About One Hour Loan
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Important Note: The following information provided is of a general nature only and does not take into account your specific objectives, needs and financial situation. This information may not be appropriate to your individual needs. You should seek advice from your adviser before making any financial decisions.
Fast Facts on Loans:
Minimum and Maximum Period for Repayment | 2 to 12 months |
Interest Rates | 1 - 4% (per month) or 12 - 48% (Annual Percentage Rate) ** |
Upfront Service Fees | Up to 10% of the Value of Loan |
** based on monthly reducing interest rate.
Representative Example:
Loan Amount | $1,000 |
Loan Period | 12 months |
Interest Rate for Loan | 4% per month (48% APR) |
Upfront Service Fee | $100 |
Repayment Period | 12 months |
Total Fees to Pay | $378.62 (Includes Loan Interest and Service Fee) *** |
*** You will still need to pay back the amount borrowed. Late Payment interest (applicable if repayment is late) is excluded from this amount as well.
Please note that One Hour Loan is a matching platform that works as an independent body to match borrowers to lenders with the most suitable offers in Singapore. As such we do not advertise for or represent any moneylenders.
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About Us
One Hour Loan is the fastest way to compare interest rates from licensed moneylenders in Singapore.
We are not a moneylender but provide a way for borrowers to get the most competitive interest rates for loans from licensed moneylenders.
Please note that One Hour Loan is a matching platform that works as an independent body to match borrowers to lenders with the most suitable offers in Singapore. As such we do not advertise for or represent any moneylender, and we are not a moneylender. We do not offer any loans directly, over the phone or at our office or otherwise. All loans are provided by our subscribing licensed moneylenders. Your quote offered on this website is non-binding and will only be finalized when you sign the loan documentation at the office of your selected licensed moneylender(s).